Pros & cons of pediatric spaying & neutering

Renee and Dr.Michael Dym, homeopathic veterinarian from South Jersey, discuss long-term health pros and cons of pediatric spay and neutering. Click here to play or download podcast


Bringing a new baby into a dog household

Jennifer Shryock visits Renee in The Doghouse to discuss safety and other concerns when you bring a new baby home to join a household with a dog. Click here to play or download podcast


Thunder phobias

Dr.Nicholas Dodman from Tufts University returns to the Doghouse today to discuss thunder phobias and other phobias that can affect dogs, and how they can be treated. Click here to play or download podcast


Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in dogs

Renee’s guest is Veterinary Behaviorist Dr. Nicholas Dodman of Tufts University, who discusses Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in dogs and how to treat it. Click here to play or download podcast


Bringing a new dog into a house with a cat

Columnist Steve Dale discusses introducing a new dog in a house with a resident cat. Click here to play or download podcast


Keeping small dogs safe from predators

Darlene Arden, another return Doghouse visitor, talks about keeping your little dog safe from flying hawks and from dogs running loose through the neighborhood. We also discuss whether kids and little dogs are a good match. Click here to play or download podcast



Darlene Arden, another return Doghouse visitor, talks about keeping your little dog safe from flying hawks and from dogs running loose through the neighborhood. We also discuss whether kids and little dogs are a good match. Click here to play or download podcast


Are kids and little dogs a good match?

Darlene Arden, another return Doghouse visitor, talks about keeping your little dog safe from flying hawks and from dogs running loose through the neighborhood. We also discuss whether kids and little dogs are a good match. Click here to play or download podcast


Appropriate behavior when dogs are playing together

Barbara Handelman returns to The Doghouse to talk about how to recognize appropriate play behavior when dogs are playing together. Renee and Barbara discuss the importance of owners knowing when to interrupt their dogs so they don’t wind up in fights. Click here to play or download podcast


Dogs for veterans with PTSD

Renee talks with Jane Miller, author of “Healing Companions; Ordinary Dogs and Their Extraordinary Power to Transform Lives.” Jane talks about prisoners who are training service and assistance dogs for war veterans returning home with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Click here to play or download podcast