How electronic shocks affect our pets

Do you keep your dogs behind an electronic invisible fence?  Or…are you using an electronic shock collar (aka E-Collar) to train your dog?  Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist from Tufts-Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine talks to Renee about how these tools affect our pet dogs. Click here to play or download podcast


Natural food diet for dogs’ health

Dr. Arthur Young, homeopathic veterinarian from Mt. Laurel, NJ re-visits The Doghouse today. Dr. Young shared his wisdom about why so many of our dogs today develop digestive problems and allergies. He also made some recommendations about changing our dogs’ diets from commercially processed kibble to more natural foods, like raw meat and blended raw […]


Finding a responsible and positive dog trainer

Jill Halstead, experienced trainer from Richmond, Vermont, visits Renee and discusses the best ways for pet parents to find a responsible and positive dog trainer. Jill and Renee advise listeners how to effectively communicate with their trainer. They also talk about some situations when owners should discontinue working with a professional who might be making […]


Toby, a problematic rescue dog

Viviane Arzoumanian, a Certified Pet Dog Trainer from Brooklyn, NY shares her experiences of living with her own, very problematic rescue dog, Toby. Viviane originally fostered Toby but soon found out that he was not adoptable, and chose to keep him with her family. Listen to Toby’s story and you’ll realize even professional trainers are […]


Manners training vs. Obedience Training

Dog and cat trainer, Jules Nye talks to Renee about the difference between “manners training” and “obedience training.”  Jules also specializes in working with both blind and deaf dogs.  Her website is and she’s located in Saverna Park, Maryland. Click here to play or download podcast


Clicker Training for Cat Behavior Issues

Noted Cat Behaviorist, Marilyn Krieger joined Renee today. They discussed how clicker training cats helps to solve many very common cat behavior problems, including inappropriate elimination, darting out the door and aggression. Marilyn talked about her book, “Naughty No More,” which goes into great detail about how to clicker train cats. Marilyn is available for […]


Getting to know a shelter dog before adoption

Renee and Certified Pet Dog Trainer, Joan Hunter Mayer discuss the best way to get to know a dog in a shelter before bringing him/her home. They also talked about how important it is for adopters to ask specific questions about the dog in order to get as much history as possible. Joan talked about […]


Testing a dog’s temperament

Renee interviews Kelly Shwiner, a professional dog trainer from West Palm Beach, Florida.  Kelly is a full-time trainer at a shelter and she describes how dogs are temperament tested, and whether those tests are a guarantee for the dog’s future behavior.  Kelly talks about the importance of setting rules immediately when the dog comes into […]


Problem barking

Susan Bulanda, Behaviorist from Pennsylvania spoke to Renee about problem barking. She gave some hints on how to teach a dog to “Quiet”. This is a really good show for all pet parents to listen to! Click here to play or download podcast


Animal communicator Liesl Woelfel – #2

Renee had animal communicator, Liesl Woelfel from Montgomery County, Pa. visit The Doghouse this morning. Sue from Williamstown, NJ called into the show to ask Liesl about her 3 year old Cockapoo, named Popcorn. Sue said she was astounded that Popcorn told Liesl so many things about how her house was arranged, and what her […]