Testimonials & Photos From My Clients
Renee Premaza
Phone: 609-280-9338
Email: jerseydogtrainer@gmail.com
About 8 months ago we adopted a mixed 35 lb. dog named Lily. We already had a 4 year old Maltipoo, named Penny who we thought needed company. Well, Lily was too big and too energetic for my little Penny. Life with these two untrained dogs was a living nightmare. Something had to give. I called an obedience school and shared my situation. They suggested I call Renee and she would help us.
We set up 4 sessions with both our dogs. When she arrived she listened to my husband and I speak and we shared our challenges. She also watched both dogs as Penny was not being friendly at all to Lily who just wanted to play with her. After following through with practicing some training and behavior modification, things started to get better in 2 weeks. Lily now goes to day camp 2x a week. Penny gets her alone time. My house is back to normal. Our dogs behave much better now. We have a much better understanding of what they need. Both will now focus better on us and what we ask them to do. We were taught by the best. If you have a nightmare situation Renee will work you thru it and follow up with emails and many informational instructions. You will have all you need to remedy any situation you may have. I would recommend her for sure.
Jean & Jim Cotter
Dear Renee,
This is being sent with the deepest gratitude and thanks for the wonderful job you did with our two dogs Pugchi and Lulu. Basically you saved Pugchi’s life as an immediate intervention was necessary as Pugchi had seriously bitten May on two occasions and Pugchi’s options had run out. Pugchi is a good dog, but you identified that she was unable to control her aggressiveness and needed veterinary intervention, plus behavior modification training. Pugchi is a new dog now, happy and the aggressiveness is gone and her behavior is fantastic which would make any dog owner proud. Lulu is still a puppy but she too now has been taught by you to obey commands and has been very responsive.
Again thank you for all you did for our dogs and making each training session beneficial to them and enjoyable and informative for us. Feel free to use us as references if anyone has questions about the training experience from an owner’s perspective.
Al and May Renna
Sending endless thanks for training us to properly address our wonderful shelter pup’s anxiety. Sherlock was afraid of my son Henry and backed away or barked to show his fear. Sherlock will now jump on my son’s bed and curl up. He allows our loving 12 year old boy to show his affection through petting, as well. Henry just wanted a dog who loved him. He has that now. Thank you, Renee.
Patty and Henry Woodworth

Hi Renee!

I wanted to thank you for the awesome recommendations.. I purchased the Kong Wobbler for Baron last week and it’s amazing. It keeps him busy for such a long time and he eats his lunch that way everyday! He’s doing great, we are wrapping up kindergarten in the next few weeks and are moving on to obedience.. He’s such a fast learner 🙂 I also referred friends of ours to you. They just got a new puppy. Renee, you are the best!
Kim Clark
Renee, you really know how to get inside our Damien’s head and “persuade” him that it is in his interest to behave the way we want him too. As soon as he sees you are at the door he gets excited and his tail wags like a helicopter. He knows that if he is a good boy, he is going to be rewarded with lovely goodies and he can’t wait to “sit”, “stay”, “come”, “leave it” or whatever.
Our last dog, Steffi, reacted the same way, so I know you are on the same wavelength with our furry friends. It is so much more pleasant and rewarding to reinforce their good behavior vs. discourage misbehavior by causing aversion through unpleasant means like shock collars etc. Damien really enjoyed his sessions with you, and the lessons stuck.
Not that he is perfect, but like all dachsies he is lovable. Another lesson we learned from you which applies to Damien 100% is “a tired dog is a happy dog.” He loves to play, and after a session of playing soccer at the dog park, he jumps right in the car and sleeps like a brick when he gets home.
Please feel free to use us as a reference with any of your customers!
Jesse’s Journey
Renee – as I told you today after one of our amazing training sessions, you saved us and you saved Jesse. Our story and Jesse’s journey would not have gone the way it has without you. As you know, we adopted Jesse last September. He was five years old and had virtually no training and could be aggressive. You diagnosed his separation anxiety and noted triggers as well as his tendency to guard “valuables”. Jesse demanded attention from anyone around him with incessant barking. We knew early in our journey with Jesse that we needed professional help. I am so glad that we found you and am grateful to you for all that you have done for us and for Jesse. You provided the skilled guidance, insights and the tools we needed to rehabilitate Jesse. You took the time to write to our vet with your findings and recommendations. You checked in with us and even talked us off the ledge when we had a particularly bad day with Jesse. Thanks to you, we are learning how to help Jesse become a well-behaved and trusted member of our family. You made our sessions so much fun too. Poor Jesse really didn’t know how to play but you taught us how to play with Jesse in ways that challenge his intelligence. We are having a lot of fun with him now and he loves to work.
Jesse is a different dog and we are much more relaxed and enjoying our time with him. I can’t thank you enough for helping us. If there was ever a dog whisperer… you are it.
With much appreciation,
Wayne, Susan and Jessica
Hi Renee. Bob and I are both so happy we found you. Harley has improved by leaps and bounds. I’d recommend you in a heartbeat!
Lea & Bob Paswlowsky
Tilly continues to be the free spirit and fun loving dog she was meant to be, but now living with the structure she needed/wanted. Thank you so very much for the time spent with her and with us that has translated quite well even after your work here was completed.
Be well,
Ross, Stephanie and Sarah
Hi Renee!
I’ve meant to send this e-mail so many times to thank you for all your help in getting Finn into the little, blue car! He started riding in the car again a few weeks after our last session. He never got used to climbing through the hatch, so he squeezes himself into the back seat from the driver’s side door. I usually have to put his front paws in first and then he does the rest. He’s loving life and going back to the dog park, Petsmart and day camp. He went to the beach for the first time on Saturday. I’ve never seen him so happy! He’s a spoiled-rotten (now about 85 lb.) pup! Oh, and he loves the “Muffin Tin Game” you taught us.
Thanks for your help and all the great work you do.
Take care,
Lisa and Finn
Hi Renee,
Thank you for all your help in training my family. You were wonderful. i always looked forward to your visits (and your treats). Now my human family knows how much I like structure and to have a pack leader. I was getting tired of pulling on the leash for all of the walks, and I love my new harness; it allows my human mother to lead the way when she takes me on all the fun walks. And I rarely ever try to pull her, as she now pays attention for the squirrels and deer that tempt me so. The leave it and down commands are working when she remembers to use them. I still get tempted to jump on people, but not as much (never on you Renee as I learned right away how to behave for you). I am a big strong dog, as you can see, and am taller and weigh more than my 12 y/o sister, so I had to learn to behave! I learned if I am good while the family is eating dinner I might get a treat later. Thanks to you the family is much happier with me, and if I am lucky maybe they will get another dog in a year of so, then you will be back to see us.
Thanks again, sincerely,
Murphy Bricker and family
Each of our pack members have attended at least one class with you and have benefitted immensely. Of course, we, the humans, have as well. We find the process of going to class helps us bond with each dog and gives them some one on one time they don’t always get at home Cash and Harry passed the Canine Good Citizen program and Ozzy is on his way to becoming a therapy dog. All of our dogs are well-behaved enough to take to visit Grammy at Heritage Assisted Living or to sit at an outdoor cafe. We couldn’t have created this harmonious pack without your help.
Many thanks,
Bruce and Mary Anne Compton
Hi Renee: Freddie is doing all the wonderful things you have helped us with, especially the Leave It when he goes for a walk. He is doing stay, but we need to work on that more. I will keep in touch and will see you soon. Renee YOU ARE THE BEST and a lifesaver with this dog. I mainly had you come to tell me that I did not have a mean crazy dog and you certainly made those fears go away and so much more. I feel like I have made such a friend in you. We also know how much Freddy loves you. Again, talk to you soon.
Love You… Maria
Hi Renee,
I don’t know if you remember us but Kelsey was a shy, very young labradoodle puppy in your fall puppy class. I just wanted to let you know that she is doing great!
We worked hard on socialization and she is no longer afraid of other dogs or people. Even though she still prefers being pet under the chin to over the head, she approached most people with interest and some with abandon! I took her to the dog park in Stratford today and she did great, meeting and greeting all dogs and coming back when called at all times. I discovered that she had a very bad yeast infection in her right ear about two months ago, and once she had that treated she really came out of her shell and her energy level increased.
So all is good here for our family.
Thank you again for all that you taught us during puppy class and helping us realize how important her socialization was. I think it helped prevent a lot of problems!
With fond greetings,
Mieke van Laar
We had a little puppy graduation party and “Hoyt” and some friends came over to celebrate. Thank you very much for all the help and looking forward to the next set of classes.
Mark and Christine Traenkner
And… here’s the picture:
My family has owned German Shepherds years with no problems, but our new addition, Markus, can be quite a handful as you know! He was very fearful and reactive to both people and also dogs when we got him and we were at our wits end with him before we met you. We did not know how to effectively help him and tried everything except for positive association training! This type of training, with your guidance, has worked exceptionally well for our German Shepherd, Markus! We continue to see improvement in him and know we will see more! Thank you for everything Renee.
-Alex, Ingrid and Markus
Gizmo & Snowball
We wanted to thank you for your time and patience with us. We appreciated your kindness and sense of humor. We are really good dogs now. How have we been lately, you ask? Well in our book, good! I, Gizmo, have not left the yard or marked anything in the house in about 3 weeks, and I am going strong. I, Snowball, have not chewed on anything except for my toys, like I am suppose to. Our care takers are really happy with us, and our mommy will be home in a few weeks. We do miss your visits, and just wanted to send our gratitude for your expertise.
Thank you
Gizmo & Snowball
& Drew and Stephanie Bachovi
Hi Renee,
I want to thank you for all you have taught River and me during her time in the Brats class. Before she attended, I was really worried if she would be able to handle being around all of the other dogs. I thought she would freeze and be too anxious to even take treats. Thank you for helping her feel comfortable…I am so happy that we took part in this experience.I am a true believer in positive reinforcement and am so glad I found a trainer that applies these methods.
I made a list of some behaviors that River has accomplished since starting your Brats class:
• Consistently responding to her name
• “Touch”
• Sit and lie down without a hand signal
• Sit and lie down at a distance
• Fully sitting and lying down, instead of partially
• Lie down stay while I walk all the way around her
• Lie down stay while I turn my back, walk out of the room, and close a door!
• “Wait”
• Walking on a loose leash
• Drastic improvement in recall
• Drastic improvement in leave it
• Drop It
• “Go to your Spot”
River and I continue to work hard and would love to take the CGC class in the fall. We look forward to seeing you then
Jillian and River Senn, 2009
**See River’s videos by going to the Classes page — she is CUTE!
Hi Renee—-just a note to say thank you for your help with Sheba. We have seen so much improvement with her. We know she is still a puppy at 9 months and very playful, but your work with her has done so much to calm her down and make her listen. People can come over and she will not be all over them with her jumping. You can actually pet her now without all the mouthing. We are still working with her and know she will get even better.
Thank you so much.
Also you always answered promptly any email questions we had. Many times you were here way over your time limit. We always felt we could contact you. So, for all of these things we thank you again.
Ed and Pat Strow
Guinness & Basil
Hi Renee,
Thank you for all your help! The boys love working with you and you’ve been a fairy godmother for me. We don’t know what we would have done without you. I’ll stay in touch and continue to work with the boys. You can always check on the boys here: frenchiebrown.blogspot.com.
GUINNESS (l.) and BASIL (r.)
Renee, We can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve given Mable through your Brats 1 class. She has learned so much, gained a lot of self control and is on her way to being the perfect companion for our family. Moreover, you have given Dan and I the tools we need to communicate clearly with Mable and help her understand how to behave in nearly any situation. We understand now that the Brats 1 class was equally as much about training us as it was about training Mable. We are looking forward to Brats 2 and would highly recommend your class to anyone who wants to have a wonderful relationship with their dog. A million thanks!
Lora and Dan
Angel 11/20/05 Graduation Day for Angel:
Hi, my name is Angel and I am a 2 year-old Pomeranian (teacup). I love my mommy and just about everyone that I meet. I was so surprised the day I entered my 1st Puppy Class. There were so many puppy dogs and people waiting to greet me. I had my very own special training space in class, just like all the other puppies in the class. My Training School even had a special Play Room, with lots of toys and treats for all the puppies in my class. Wow, was I lucky to be able to go to my Puppy School and have two of the very best caring Trainers Renee Permaza and her Assistant Sandy at my School called “Dog Days” in Marlton, NJ. I am so glad that my mom learned “dog” language and sticks to my learned commands. Now I have less stress trying to figure out what in the heck she is talking about, when she is speaking to me. I don’t have to play guessing games with her anymore. (I don’t feel like I have to jump through hoops, trying to please people anymore.) I can, finally, relax and enjoy being content; doing my part: just obeying commands. Now, I know for sure that everyone likes me …just the way I am! So.. Thank you Renee and Sandy…. for teaching my mommy how to understand me better. PS – Thanks for all the treats, games, new tricks, and especially for play time with all my new puppy friends at the end of each class. PSS – My “dog dream” is to be able to have a real job as a real Therapy Dog; so I can help real sick people and children smile and forget their pains a little, while I entertain them and show them a little affection. That would make me REAL HAPPY!
Licks and Kisses,
Angel graduated from her CGC class on May 7, 2006 and received her Canine Good Citizen Award from the AKC. NO SURPRISES THERE! Her mom, Marianne, is planning to train Angel through Therapy Dogs International so she can become a “Professional Therapy Dog.” Her classmates and I are sure she’ll make one of the best therapy dogs around who will visit hospital patients and make them want to smile. Good luck, Angel!
To Renee:
Banjo & I wanted to thank you for your assistance. He’s a much better dog after taking your two classes & we have a better relationship now. We already received our CGC certificate from AKC!!!
Thanks again,
Sandy Amos
Banjo is a rescue dog. He is now 8 years old and began coming to classes about a year ago. He attended my Brats class, but at that time didn’t like being touched on his harness and would mouth Sandy when she’d go to put on his leash. Banjo also would growl and lift his lip when someone would touch his paws. Sandy has worked very hard and has done a splendid job to train her dog to accept all the things he didn’t like. He recently received his Canine Good Citizen award and aced the examination! Congratulations Sandy and Banjo 🙂
Hi Renee!
Simon is about to reach his one year anniversary with us. We met him for the first time last year on March 22 and went back on the 25th to sign the papers. He came home from the doctor’s office on the 28th. What a year it has been! Our first training attempt was with a choker collar and jerks and snaps. It was pretty obvious we were not going to get Simon to change his ways with that negative reinforcement. The day you arrived and began winning him over with the treats, we had a feeling that there was hope for him. The clicker training really got his attention and soon things like kids on bicycles, busses and other dogs did not elicit the rage response we were used to seeing. We even used the clicker to get him used to his booties that he wears out in the snow. He causes a stir in the neighborhood with his coat and boots on those freezing winter mornings. Simon is getting along very well with his neighbor dog friend Mikki. They have recently begun “play-bowing” to one another and chasing in circles. No barking or growling at all. He looks forward to catching up with Mikki when we go for a walk. This is an amazing breakthrough for him as he came to us very dog aggressive. I am now working to get him friendly with a puppy down the street (Dixie, an English Setter – she will be a big girl one day). His first meeting with her (from the safety of my arms) went very well. We will begin to meet her from the ground in a couple of weeks with the aid of the clicker.
That’s about it for now. Thought you would enjoy the fact he was playing with Mikki. We even went over to their house around Christmas and the boys ran around inside. This week Mikki ran over to our front door where Simon was standing and begged to come in. Pat opened the door and in he came. Simon was fine with that so we’ll need to have them over at our house to see how the boys get along here.
We will have to schedule a visit to the park once the weather gets nice and stays that way. Enjoy the springtime!
Jay, Pat and Simon, too
Taz & Jake
Hi Renee
I recently checked out your website. Good job. The “Boys” were wondering if you would put their hydrant picture on your website. They want to be famous! They want to let viewers of your site know how you were a great inspiration on them and an excellent trainer.
Taz on the left and Jake on the right
We all miss you!
Bill Bohnet
Here is a picture of Gunny visiting the Cresent Hill Academy (formerly the Cerebral Palsy School). If it wasn’t for your training, we wouldn’t be there. Thank you for all your help with Gunny.
thank you so much for your visit today. What a great day! I know that the dogs and I enjoyed learning, and in fact I am already seeing results
After you left, I gave them lunch and before I put “Alfie’s” bowl down, his butt hit the floor… Lunch went very well. Afterwards… I took Alfie and Rocky for a nice walk together. When we got to the gate to leave for the walk, Alfie started his wild barking, and I just calmly said, “Quiet”… and they all looked at me immediately and did get quiet. I praised them immensely. What a difference. They all seem to know what quiet means. They all seem to realize that “there is a new sheriff in town” and seem to be watching me for any cues whatsoever and/or treats
I realize that I need to work on tone of my voice, and constantly be aware of them and keep training everytime that I get a chance. Again, what a fun day and thanks so much for your insight and help.
MaryAnne Erwin
“Alfie,” the Bichon on the far left of this photograph, completed his CGC class and passed the American Kennel Club’s “Canine Good Citizen” test on 6/29/08. Alfie will be awarded a beautiful certificate from AKC. Congratulations to Alfie and his mom, MaryAnne for their hard work and a job well-done!
Harry & Cash
Hi Renee
I should mention, lest you think I wasn’t paying attention in class, that I fully realize that “Harry” is sending a calming signal to the chesty lady!!! But to the “untrained” eye he looks like he is trying not to stare down her shirt ;0). To update you on his royal shyness — he is still slowly improving. He will actually approach people now, but sometimes, after a few seconds he reverts to hiding behind his mama again. At least we see him improving
Cash’s new “job” is ambassador and donation dog extraordinaire for the Voorhees Animal Orphanage! He has done three 2 hour stints at PetSmart and stood out by Cooper Road with Santa during the Holiday Open House. People have been so generous with him, it’s like their wallets levitate out of their pockets to give him $$. We just knew he would be successful at using his sweet nature to help homeless animals. Thanks for your training and sense of humor! We couldn’t have done it without you and Sandy.
Mary Anne and Bruce
Renee –
Thank you so much for teaching us how to be better doggy parents. It was immediately obvious that we needed the training as much as, if not more than, Pokey!! Your ability to understand what he was trying to tell us and how we needed to “communicate” with him was invaluable. He is so much calmer and happier
I highly recommend you to all our friends with puppies – and even those with older dogs that could benefit from your help. Please feel free to use us for recommendations. Thanks again from us and Pokey.
Michelle and Jeff
I’d like you to know Pudge is really doing great! He gets along with strangers and other dogs alot better. He is a pleasure to be around. Right now, he is laying calmly,next to me on the floor. I’m glad I got in touch with you when we did. It made such an improvement. I’m sure Pudge thanks you too. He turned out to be a wonderful pet.
Beverly and David
Hi Renee,
You are a amazing mentor and i hope you don’t mind if i email you if i have some problems with any clients i might have. also i know i said it before but i’ll say it again, if you ever need an assistant i would love to help and get as much experience as possible. the more i’m getting hands on the better i will become, i can’t thank you enough, you have been absolutely wonderful to me and misha, and this has been one of the best experiences of my life. thank you,
Justin is a dog training student with ABC College. He brought his dog “Misha” into a group “Brats” class as part of his Externship training requirement with ABC College. Misha learned all her basic cues and she is a very sweet and happy dog. The one behavior that Misha refuses to do is lie down on cue. As seen in this picture, however, she likes to lie down when nobody tells her to 😉
Hi Renee,
I hope your summer is going well!! I just wanted to drop you an email in regards to Kano. I hope you remember us, Kano is the Boxer who took your class a few months back and couldn’t function around other dogs when it came to the CGC Class??? I am happy to report that Kano is doing exceptionally well.
Kano has made a 360 degree turnaround. My husband and I have been working with him daily and he comes every time when called no matter what distraction he has around him, he doesn’t jump on our guests in our home, and he is even functioning with other dogs. We recently entered our daughter in the 4th of July Baby Parade in Bellmawr, and our theme was “Save America’s Farmlands” and Kano (Being a working Class Dog) pulled the wagon in the Parade. After many days of practice, he did an unbelievable job! The spectators were amazed that he was just one year old. He listened to every command while I was walking him-on a loose leash and there were even dogs that he walked by. I just think he loved the attention hahaha!! We even took first place for most original!
I will definitly been in touch again when we think Kano is ready for his CGC Test, which is still our ultimate goal. Thank you again for not only teaching Kano, but for teaching us. We have gotton so much pleasure just hearing strangers compliment us on our dog’s behavior.
Jim and Holly Richards
This is one fantastic Boxer who represents the best of his breed! Congratulations Kano, Jim and Holly for working so hard.
Testimonial received 8/26/08
In March 2007, we adopted a 16 month old part Harlequin, part Mantle Great Dane from Mid Atlantic Great Dane Rescue League. We named him Shooter, after country singer Shooter Jennings. Shooter had been neglected and never socialized during the first 14 months of his life. Shooter had some behavioral issues but he was never aggressive towards people; however, he sometimes he was dog aggressive. Although he never had a biting history with people, after we had Shooter for a year, 2 biting incidents occurred which deeply concerned us. First he bit a family friend on the forearm when she entered our home and went to pet him; several weeks later he bit a neighbor on the forearm when he came over to our front yard to pet Shooter when he was on the runner. After the second biting incident we sorrowfully decided to return Shooter to MAGDRL. When we called MAGDRL it was recommended that we call dog trainer Renee Premaza, The Jersey Dog Trainer to work with us and Shooter before making a final decision to return him. Contacting Renee was the best thing we ever did both for Shooter and for us. The first time we spoke to Renee, she stayed on the phone with us long enough to hear Shooter’s whole background and answer any questions that we had. Although based on love, our efforts to train Shooter before Renee were not successful because we were not aware of his deep anxiety issues, which Renee picked up on her first training session with Shooter. Renee’s clicker training, behavior modification, and positive reinforcement worked wonders with Shooter. Renee’s recommendation to add Rescue Remedy and a Dog Appeasing Pheromone collar and diffuser provided the extra support our insecure and anxious Shooter needed. Renee patiently worked with both Shooter and us in our home. Renee was always honest with us and let us know that Shooter’s training would require lots of time, effort, and patience on our end. After we finished our training sessions with Renee, Shooter still continues to be a much calmer dog. His issues with other dogs are now under control. We still have to work with Shooter regularly as Renee said we would. In between our training sessions, and even after, Renee always made herself available to us by phone or e-mail. We will be forever grateful to Renee because thanks to her, Shooter is able to remain loved and at home with us. We highly recommend Renee Premaza to anyone who needs help with his or her dog. We really would not have been able to keep Shooter without her help, guidance and patience.
Bill, Donna, Lauren and Shooter.
When I first started working with Shooter, I noticed early on that he couldn’t relax. He spent most of his time pacing around the house with his tail between his legs unless he was in his crate, which was the only place he felt safe. It took about 2 months of behavior modification training before the family began to see their dog lying down and relaxing. I love this picture because it’s obvious to me he’s now feeling like his world is a pretty safe and secure place to be. He looks happy! Shooter, you’ve made me very proud!
Johanna Teresi
Whenever I have had a tough case you always respond with marvelous information. Some of things I have learned from you over e-mail are the greatest learning experiences I have ever had. I just want to thank you for it!
Johanna Teresi
Four Legged Scholars LLC
”Convenient Dog Education”
(801) 463-1668
Free Dog Training Tips in the Catalyst “Good Dog”
Riley & Piper
Hello Renee,
The ladies (Riley & Piper) are doing really well! You’ll be happy to hear I am able to walk them up at Laurel Acres…together! Things continued to go well, so about two weeks ago I started them together at the lake part of the park. I used the techniques you gave me, giving a wide birth for Piper and men ( she, like you said may never overcome this fear, but it is getting less intense.) Now both can walk in the park with little to no real problems, as long as I stay alert.It has been such a joy! – Today I walked them down my street right by a landscaping crew ( 4 guys), and they gave very little attention to the workers!–Now that’s amazing.
I am also able to have them off leash while I am out feeding the birds. They have to sit and wait at the open gate until I call them to come. Then they must wait in a sit while I fill the feeders. Then we play and act goofy for a few minutes. They love it. Then I tell them it’s time to get back in the gate, and off they go, and sit and wait for me inside the gate. I do keep my eyes peeled for any extra activities that would call them away from me. Even though they are off leash, they are not far and in control. It’s a nice treat for all of us.
I have to thank you for all your help and direction this summer. I have a much happier time with the ladies and this brings me great joy. I was really lost as to how to handle all of this. You made all the difference.
Thanks so much again!
Riley on the left and Piper on the right.
hi renee-
just wanted to give you and update on our dear little maynard g. krebs-keenan-linzner!
he has sit down to a science now so that all things start with sit! the barking is becominging increasingly less and my neighbors are much happier. i am sure maynard is much happier too! i tried your suggestions for special treats and they certainly do help!
we play for half and hour in the morning and take several long walks before i have to leave for work
one day after you worked with us i had a major plumbing fiasco and had the plumbers at my house sunday, monday and tuesday.
maynard did not jump up to greet the plumbers but rather sat like he was supposed to!
thanks for all you do!
Hey there Renee!
Paul and I just wanted to thank you again for all of your help, both in class and out, with Jackson. We really appreciate the time you took to answer our many e-mail and phone messages. It has really helped. Jackson has done a complete 360 since we brought him home and we owe most of that to you. All in all, we are just thrilled with the little man Jackson has become and its made our day to day routine MUCH easier. We really enjoyed your class and will certainly consider the summer session.
Sincerely, Gillian, Paul and Jackson!!
Renee and Scott:
Bill and I would like to thank you both for the great puppy play day on Saturday. It was a great opportunity for Bill to see the facility and for him to meet Scott. We both enjoyed watching Ellie interact with the other puppies. The event was very well organized and included wonderful information from the vet, groomer and food representative. We were unaware of a vaccine for lyme and have both Ellie and Ana scheduled for the two-shot series. The food samples are great and an unexpected surprise.<
You put together an informative morning and provide a wonderful service to the canine community. Ellie, was exhausted from the experience and slept the whole way home 🙂
Thanks again.
Ellie just attended one of the FREE Puppy Playgroup socialization classes that is offered every 6 weeks at Dog Days Camp for Canines, 23 W. Main St., Marlton, NJ. If you have a puppy who is 8 – 16 weeks old, make sure to check the Calendar of Classes regularly to see when the next FREE Puppy Playgroup is scheduled!
Hi Renee,
Kaden is doing really well, and I really appreciate everything you have taught me. Kaden has calmed down considerably in the house and goes in his crate at night on his own. He doesn’t jump on the couch and chew on the pillows anymore. (Well, maybe he slips up once or twice). He lays nice on the floor with me and loves to be petted while we watch TV. His behavior has gotten much better with Blaize. Blaize plays the leave it game with him and we both play the “come here” game with him. When he’s out running and barking, he comes right to the door when I call him. He knows his spot on the rug and stays there and waits for yummy treats like cheese. We still put him away in his crate when we eat at the table because he steals Blaize’s food easily. I love him so much and am so grateful for your help.
I’ll recommend you to whoever needs a good trainer.
Thanks again,
Greta, 2010
Hi! Renee,
I wanted you to know Molly is doing well and growing up to be a nice young lady. She has socialized so much this winter with holidays and going to my grandchildren’s house occasionally for the day without John or I. Also her new profession is being a snow buddy to John. He took her out snow plowing a few times and she loved it. One of the training excersizes Molly continues to enjoy all by herself is putting her toy in a bag or box what ever she can find and getting it out herself. She is no longer afraid of objects as she was when I first called you. The barking has gotten better but hopefully that will continue to improve. Again thanks for all you did for us.
John, Patty, and Molly, 2010
Hi Renee,
Rex is a different dog than he was before you came over! He totally gets this time out thing and the ignoring when he bites us. He definitely does not like being ignored, therefore the biting has been cut back so much already! Peter and I are so encouraged with this immediate progress that we’re hoping that he’s a fast learner and the biting subsides even more every day. He’s sitting when we ask him to and really catching on to things.
Thanks for everything and we’ll see you next Tuesday.
Debbie, 2010
P.S. – Rex has been getting a lot of exercise on his longer walks with both me and my husband. We’re really trying to listen to instructions.
Dear Renee,
I just wanted to thank you again for coming out to our home. There was a definite difference felt inside after you left. Ryan immediately went and got a new leash (black) as well as the other harness. It fit much better and kept her safe. We tethered her while making dinner as well as at dinner and that too made such a huge difference. WE made sure to give her a yummy treat during those times as well as petting her the way you had recommended. My older daughter and I spent some time with that. When Ryan walked Roxie (alone) this evening he could immediately see a difference by holding the leash in the new manner.
I spent time reading through the information you gave and there was so much good stuff. The games will be an added way to incorporate the children and have fun at the same time. I like the whole SIT HAPPENS motto that we are really putting that one into play. We will spend a lot of time this week working on the things discussed especially making sure about the {play} biting and reacting on it.
I have to mention also we did the bathroom journal today with the special cheese reward….every half hour and only 1 accident today. Now tomorrow is a new day, but I am hoping that by being more aware that will help too. Funny, when we said the word pee pee tonight,she almost did a few seconds later. It must be that cheese 🙂
Hollie, 2010
Treat Your Dog Like a Human and He’ll Treat You Like a Dog!